JKx7 And More

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

my toes are cold

Ya’ll are so much better bloggers then me. I am not on the computer as much as I use to be before The Creature came. I must worn you that it is 11:30pm, and it has been quite a day… so this blog won’t make much sense.

It is official… The Creature is on the move. He is a crawling machine!!! He is already attacking the next thing on the Baby to do List: pulling himself up. And you know what… he is so freak-n- cute! I know I am not supposed to use the freak-n- word mother, but he is. I could go on, and on, about what a good baby he is, but you already know, so I won’t. The Creature has been a little fussier then usual (hey look fussier IS a word) I think I finally feel a tooth in there. (Yippee)

The next item to discus is that The Hubby and I have callings now. He is the Assistance Scout Master, and I am the RS Sec. It was quite funny - we sat down in the bishop’s office at 8:10 am… I was totally expecting only The Hubby to be getting a calling, and then he got to me, and my exact words were… “Oh”. An “oh” like “ ‘oh’ I am thrown off by the words that just spewed out of your mouth.” (I am SO going to have to spell check spew) Today was my first Presidency meeting… awkward, weird, etc… all of the above… A, B, AND C… you catch my drift. I really like the other woman in the presidency, so it should be fun.

My foot has fallen asleep. I should really go to bed.

But I must note:
1. I have really enjoyed all of your blogs, especially getting through ‘the elephant on the table.’
2. WELCOME MARMY!!! Excellent first Blog!... and I always spell it buh bye.
3. I have enjoyed all of the movie quotes. We should vote, and really come up with the top ten list.
4. Jessica, continue sending pictures! NO – sending a picture of your new entertainment center would not be boring. We can’t come over to see it so email is all we’ve got. It WOULD be extremely funny to travel 1000 miles just to see the entertainment center. “Hello, just popped over to see the new furniture.*** Well yes, it did include a horse and a sleigh, but it was worth it! Look at the fine workmanship in that darn fancy entertainment center.*** Ok, well, I’m off. See you at Christmas.”

O boy, I have officially gone loopy. Goodnight Neverland!

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

I'm Ba-ack

I'm here. I'm tired. But I'm reading your posts. Keep 'em coming.

Entertain me, people!

Thursday, March 24, 2005

There Is Much Woe

I talked to Jess tonight as they get settled into their new house. At first I thought she sounded discouraged...but who'd a thunk that moving 1000 miles away would be so exhausting??!! Something to ponder...

I'm happy that they made it to their destination in safety. I am happy that the movers made it too. I'm happy that the piano made it up those crazy stairs. I'm happy that even though they haven't "gotten to" the TV yet that Maddie and Isaac could still watch Jurassic Park on the wee DVD player. I'm happy that The W's have a house of their own that even after they pay interest and other such lovely fees that it will still be half the price it is here in California.

I'm happy that distance cannot break the ties that our family has.

I am sad that when I told Paige that we'd be coloring Easter Eggs at Grammie's tomorrow that the first thing out of her mouth was: "with Maddie???!" and I had to remind her that Maddie moved to Montana.

It will get easier...I think.

Campbell News

Aunt Randy called yesterday. She's going to be a grandma. Tiffany and Keven are expecting.

Also, when Tiffany & Kevin were at the second appointment and the doctor was reviewing the ultrasound with them, he said "You need to come and look at this picture--because there are two babies in it."


Wednesday, March 23, 2005

I’m having a hard time with the elephant on the table

I’ve been trying to write for the past few days. I write and then erase tons of words that just seem so…so…not enough. I completely dehydrated myself on Sunday. I freaked out the children in our family on Sunday. (Except for maybe Corbin. He didn’t really notice.) I made myself sick on Sunday.

But I said goodbye to my older sister on Sunday. And that’s hard.

We really are so close. When I try to verbalize just how close, it just isn’t enough and I feel that whoever I’m talking to just isn’t GETTING IT. When I try to describe that Paige’s best friend is her cousin…they don’t fully get that either. When I tell them I was never embarrassed of my parents and loved to hang out with them, they think I’m completely lying.


I’m excited for the W’s and their new adventure. I’m excited for their journey, new friends and wonderful family experiences. My mind is good at telling my all about these things…but my heart just can’t seem to catch up.

C’mon on heart…pay attention!

Monday, March 21, 2005

From my journal (that I hardly EVER write in--and maybe blogging will help me do so)

Well, the tears flowed HEAVILY (to the point of dehydration) yesterday.
First, it was Maddie's baptism. It was wonderfully attended by family and friends and the spirit that was there. The baptism ordinance and the wonderful symbolism attached was a very special and wonderful occasion.

It was also the day the W's began their new adventure to Montana. After the baptism service, after the refreshments, after the long and TEARFUL good-byes, and after we all hung on as long as we could, it was time for them to drive away. We are happy for their wonderful opportunity in Montana, but it tears at our hearts.

Jordan went with them to help with the move. He will be back in two weeks.

...and I make it sound as if the tears have stopped

...as if !

Friday, March 18, 2005


6. Fern Gully
7. Empire Records
8. Newsies
9. Sleepless in Seattle
10. Steel Magnolias

6 - "Price check on prune juice Bob, price check on prune juice."
7 - "Damn the man. Save the Empire."
8 - "I spent a month there one night."
9 - "Shut up? Shut up? Mom never told me to shut up."
10 - "I'm sure he takes the dishes out of the sink before he pees in it."

oh let's do all of them...
"Sit down and I'll show you the pictures of Charlie when he S*** his pants at Niagra Falls.", "Mmm soft like a babies behind.", "... and then we'll poo her all over the table.", "Talk to me, talk to me, talk to me baby.", "It wasn't sand it was kitty litter."

(spelling doesn't count)

Our First Top Ten List

Since we're all apparently in denial over "things" and justs are NOT going to talk about it. I suggest we compile a list of sorts. Jaye and I have been discussing the best movies to quote...let's go with that one:

The Top Ten (or more) List of Best Movies to Quote:

(In no particular order)

  1. Drop Dead Fred
  2. So I Married an Axe Murderer
  3. Oscar
  4. Little Rascals
  5. A Goofie Movie

You have your assignments...whether choose to accept it or not. Just be warned that I will hound you.

Thursday, March 17, 2005


de·ni·al ( P ) Pronunciation Key (d-nl)n.

1. A refusal to comply with or satisfy a request.

2. a. A refusal to grant the truth of a statement or allegation; a contradiction.
b. Law. The opposing by a defendant of an allegation of the plaintiff.

3. a. A refusal to accept or believe something, such as a doctrine or belief.
b. Psychology. An unconscious defense mechanism characterized by refusal to acknowledge painful realities, thoughts, or feelings. **

4. The act of disowning or disavowing; repudiation.
5. Abstinence; self-denial.

** It works for me... ok?

Thursday, March 10, 2005


So...Dad leaves the State (and his computer) and we ALL STOP WRITING???

I'm finally feeling human again...and today was an INSANE day at work. So yes, it is after midnight and I'm finally feeling like the computer can actually be fun again.

Our News:

I forgot to tell everyone that Paige FINALLY lost her third front tooth.

Abby fell last night and chewed a hole in her cheek. We're looking into mouth guards...or plastic bubbles.

AND this blog-thang only works if we all actually do it. Mom? Jordan? SMOOCHES!

Thursday, March 03, 2005


It's calf season in the Carson Valley!

I have wondered aloud on many occasions: why don't the farmers keep the boy cows away from the girl cows a little longer so those babies aren't born in freezing temperatures. But now that we're warming up I'm not so uptight.

Is there anything cuter than a baby? Whether human or cow or rhino, a baby is always center of attention. The pastures are full of babies, some sturdier than others. On my drive home today, while I dangerously stared at the cows longer than the road, I saw this black and white calf walking along the fence, sizing it up. As I drove at 70+ m.p.h., I was pretty sure he was thinking about getting to the other side.

I think I saw a bald eagle today. They like to hang out for the afterbirth from the calves. There's lots of look-ee-loos with their binocs and their cameras lining the highway. Last year there were even tourbuses bringing people to see these wonders of nature.
Can you imagine..."hi Jess, did you have a good weekend?"
"It was great, Saturday I watched a bald eagle eat a cow's placenta!"


The "Comments" choice is always listed at the bottom of every post. It will also note how many comments there are for that particular post. You do have to click on the Comment link to see the comments, though.

The summary of posts (on the right side of the screen) can be used to view that post...and (I thought) it brought up the comments, too.

Let's discuss tomorrow night...everyone can gather 'round the computer for some Blogger Fun.

Love ya!

It looks like the only way to see comments is to VIEW

It would be nice if the summary list of posting topics showed the number of comments (replies). It doesn't seem to. To see comments/replies you have to choose the view option, and they are listed there. For example, I added a comment to JP's posting, but you only see it if you go to the view option.


Make it a Double

Sometimes as a mom you think "Yes, my children were sick, but now they're not" and you move on. But then you come home from work (yesterday) and you see Abby crying and screaming and clutching her ear because she's in so much pain. And THEN she tells you that she want to brush her teeth because her teeth hurt!

So, off to Urgent Care we go (which is always a pleasant thing) for the doctor to tell us she has a DOUBLE ear infection...and the right ear is really bad. How bad can that doctor make me feel? Or is it just that Abby has a high tolerance for pain and showed NO OTHER symptoms to clue us in?

Either way...she's on antibiotic. And Paige is trying to convince her that it tastes like bubble gum. Now, if only Paige could convince herself that it tastes like bubble gum...then we'd be in business.

Oh! And did I mention that these meds have sugar? So that when you give Abby her first dose at nearly 10 pm she's all of a sudden hyper and can't fall asleep?

Good times...

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Dad's in

Dad's in.


And So It Begins...

In a few weeks, part of our family will be moving to Montana. I've created this "place" for us to keep in touch, tell our family's funny stories, and support eachother in any way we can. We are so very blessed to have such a close family. I think this will be so much fun.

Love to you all! (And more to come!)