JKx7 And More

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

It's Been So Long...I May Have Forgotten How To Do This

My life seems to get crazier and crazier no matter how hard I work to try and make it less so. But since I have a lot of catching up to do, here goes a montage of pictures:

Proof that Abby really did wear her bathing suit to the beach in the middle of November:

She couldn't get her clothes off fast enough...maybe I should be worried:

And a cute picture of Paige and Lauren:

So...just a few weeks after the lovely beach trip, the weekend after Thanksgiving, we headed up to Apple Hill to pick out our Christmas Tree. The girls kept begging for a tree just their size:

Abby even thought she would take matters into her own hands:

We tried for another family picture for the Christmas cards...but, well...you know Abby:

I think that puts me back on the blogging map...in a way. At any rate, it will just have to suffice.