JKx7 And More

Monday, December 19, 2005

Not On Sunday

Apparently my children have been to a few too many funerals.

Yesterday our chapel had big, beautiful, dark red poinsettias in front of the pulpit. There were several plants lined up, it looked very nice and very festive.

During Sacrament meeting poor Maddie leaned over and asked “is there a coffin up there?”

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Dad, are you really taking our babies on the city bus? Shannon use to have to ride the bus to work. There was this creepy guy that rode the bus everyday. I don’t remember the stories, but I know that there are many, and some are funny, but scary. His nickname was "Chester the ________ster." I don’t want to type that word.
If the girls want to go on a train isn’t there a simulated one at the Train Museum? Let’s just go there.

-If you still want to take the kids I could be the other adult that goes with you.

Monday, December 12, 2005

I really thought Fudge was gone

I thought Fudge was gone and lost forever. She took off Saturday night, and we could not find her. We walked and drove around quite a bit. I was pretty sure would not return. Happily she showed up Sunday morning. I have no idea where she was all night. I'm glad she's back.


Also for the list

(1) When we were downtown for the Santa Parade, Paige and Abby said they wanted to ride the train (light rail). So Grampa is going to take the grandkids on an adventure. We will get on the bus at Elverta Market, take the bus to the light rail station, and take light rail to Downtown Plaza. We'll either take a picnic or just go to fast food at the mall. We'll walk around Old Town for a bit, and then we'll come home. (I'll need at least one other adult.)

(2) Maybe we should figure out something different to call me. Older grandkids can't call me Bampa. It needs to be Grampa or something like that. (Jordan's been calling Pop.)


Comments that are too late

So how far back do people check for comments? Is there a "date last comment" field that lets anyone know something is there? Just curious.

In case no one checked comments on de-hexing the trailer, I do have some perfect de-hexing material.


Sunday, December 11, 2005

Can I Get a Glass of Water?

I'm afraid that by the time I get there I will be dangerously dehydrated. I have a feeling that these tears of joy and anticipation will be ongoing in the next 11 days.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Two weeks BABY!

It’s funny you bring up Balderdash. The Davis’ had Balderdash and I loved it! I always wanted to play it. I wanted to play it so much that when someone suggested playing a board game they would first preface it with, “… anything but Balderdash. Sorry Jaye.” It’s like an inside joke with them now. When the Davis’ moved they gave me Balderdash. I just looked in my game cupboard – I still have it! I don’t think it is a complete set though.

Oh boy oh boy… my turn:

Definitely let’s do the sleepover thing, and get green-goop crap to put on our faces. AND curlers – lots and lots of curlers. Manicures, pedicures. Pluck eyebrows… I know I am making this more and more tempting for the boys.

I do want to go out to dinner, but I am broke! (oh mom – we should take everyone to Q Bole)

Yes – Ocean. The Creature has never seen the “lotion”.

I didn’t understand what Jess was saying about the Pasta Shells, so I vote for egg rolls!

Help Grandma clean upstairs.

I’m all for a New Years Eve Party at mom’s house! Jess you will dance and you will like it. Mom do you think we could make homemade Sparkling Cider? Would it be cheaper that way?

Target practice on the guys sounds really fun! (but messy)

Scene It, Guestures, “bones”, poker (with food not $$), Spaz-Uno, Spoons, and Hide and go Seek with the kids.

Let’s do some good-witch-craft, and uncurse the trailer. Maybe sacrifice an albino goat or something.

Bike ride? We have a kiddy trailer for The Creature and Abby.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Lists, Lists, Lists

I am really excited about some of the things on Jill’s list. Some of the things.

Jill’s Fabulous List
Board games – definitely. I’ll even take a stab at Balderdash.
Shopping – some.
Chevy’s – absofreakinglutely. And Round Table and Baja Fresh (maybe Cheesecake Factory).
Dancing on New Year’s – not so much.
Marie Calendar’s – it goes without saying.
Dinner at mom’s – I wouldn’t have it any other way. Maybe she could throw some Stroganoff together.
Please don’t shoot the boys. We could even include them in a Chevy’s trip.
Bare Escentuals? Really? No, I’m good.
Sleepover – you betta.
Pasta Shells – I’d rather not. I’d like to stay awake for this trip, thank you very much.
Pictures, pictures, pictures.

My List
Maybe a trip to the ocean?
Definitely a trip to Foresthill.
Please no trips to play in the snow. I’m good.

I'm No Al Roker

(Written Monday, Posted Tuesday)

Just how cold is it? I’m sorry that I have nominated myself weather girl and that you are unfortunately on the receiving end, but we’re talking extreme temperatures people.
The other night Siri and I went to Costco and then back to her house so that our families could spend more time together. There wasn’t enough room in her fridge for our milk so we just set ours out on her porch for us to grab when we left. We played games and visited and then left a couple of hours later, giving our milk the opportunity to morph in to a block of ice. It still has not completely thawed, even though it has been two days and we have left it out on the counter for a few minutes here and there.
Maddie left her gloves at school on Friday and then went sledding for a couple of hours that afternoon with bare hands. Friends, it could not have been more than 15 degrees. I ripped her a new one and she was not allowed to sled all weekend. Per my mom’s suggestion, tonight I will show her images of people with frostbite.
Our street has a slight slope to it, and just beyond the intersection at the bottom where it comes to a ‘T’ there is a little drop-off. This morning I almost slid off of the drop-off, gently braking and then E-braking in effort to gain control. The kids were a little worried.
Not unlike the worry they experienced yesterday. When we left church yesterday Thad and Siri were in the car behind us so David decided to goof off a bit. We went sideways and almost rolled and narrowly missed a pole. Dork.
Our forecasted high tomorrow is 5 degrees. When I drop off the kids at school in the morning it will probably be around -3. I am having a little anxiety over this. Part of me thinks that I should call in sick to shelter my precious offspring from these extreme conditions. A note was sent home last week from the principal reminding parents that the kids will be sent out for recess, even when the temps dip below zero.
While at lunch with David today I asked him if we are expected to get a break from this or is this IT for the next 6 months. I later checked on line and found that we will indeed be getting a break towards the end of this week. On Friday we are expecting to get up to 34 degrees.
By the way, there are still two guys at work that show up in shorts every day.
Breaking News: the forecast has been revised. Tomorrow’s high is 2 degrees with the overnight low -13 on Wednesday. Please come rescue me.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Oh, Balderdash!

I just played a game of Balderdash and thought, "That is TOTALLY a game we'll need to play while the W's are here!!" SO...in my infinite wisdom, I thought we should make a list of things to do while the W's are here. You know, like a plan or schedule...or just a gosh darn wish list to follow. I'll start:

*Play Balderdash
*Go shopping
*Girls night at Chevy's
*Dance the night away (New Year's, right Mom?)
*Girl Pie Night @ Marie Calendars. (invite the usuals)
*Not just Sunday dinners at Mom's...Monday through Friday dinners @ Mom's
*Shooting for the boys, if wanted
*Trips to Bare Escentuals for the girls
*Maybe a sleepover
*Christmas together
*Playing Balderdash
*Mom and Jess really should make those pasta shells
*Family pictures (just us together, not anything formal/fancy)

I think that's a good start. Please feel free to add to it. That IS the idea of it all...