I'm No Al Roker
(Written Monday, Posted Tuesday)
Just how cold is it? I’m sorry that I have nominated myself weather girl and that you are unfortunately on the receiving end, but we’re talking extreme temperatures people.
The other night Siri and I went to Costco and then back to her house so that our families could spend more time together. There wasn’t enough room in her fridge for our milk so we just set ours out on her porch for us to grab when we left. We played games and visited and then left a couple of hours later, giving our milk the opportunity to morph in to a block of ice. It still has not completely thawed, even though it has been two days and we have left it out on the counter for a few minutes here and there.
Maddie left her gloves at school on Friday and then went sledding for a couple of hours that afternoon with bare hands. Friends, it could not have been more than 15 degrees. I ripped her a new one and she was not allowed to sled all weekend. Per my mom’s suggestion, tonight I will show her images of people with frostbite.
Our street has a slight slope to it, and just beyond the intersection at the bottom where it comes to a ‘T’ there is a little drop-off. This morning I almost slid off of the drop-off, gently braking and then E-braking in effort to gain control. The kids were a little worried.
Not unlike the worry they experienced yesterday. When we left church yesterday Thad and Siri were in the car behind us so David decided to goof off a bit. We went sideways and almost rolled and narrowly missed a pole. Dork.
Our forecasted high tomorrow is 5 degrees. When I drop off the kids at school in the morning it will probably be around -3. I am having a little anxiety over this. Part of me thinks that I should call in sick to shelter my precious offspring from these extreme conditions. A note was sent home last week from the principal reminding parents that the kids will be sent out for recess, even when the temps dip below zero.
While at lunch with David today I asked him if we are expected to get a break from this or is this IT for the next 6 months. I later checked on line and found that we will indeed be getting a break towards the end of this week. On Friday we are expecting to get up to 34 degrees.
By the way, there are still two guys at work that show up in shorts every day.
Breaking News: the forecast has been revised. Tomorrow’s high is 2 degrees with the overnight low -13 on Wednesday. Please come rescue me.
Just think...in 15 days you'll be experiencing lows of only 39 or 40. :)
JP, at 9:14 AM
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