JKx7 And More

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Christmas...I've Cancelled it For This Year...BUT

I've asked for the week off to spend with Jess and Fam while they're here. AND, it has already been approved! YIPPEE!!!

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Sad but true

Who votes Benny moves to a farm?

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


I may be forced to lose this wonderful spot here at work when we decide to move either to another building or expand to the 3rd floor. This may not happen for a year, but I thought I should give you all fair warning as this may cause much sadness and weeping. I'll be alright...really. But do you think anyone will notice if I post "life-size" pictures of my current view in the inevitable NEW cube?

I'm such a brat...

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Vomit and Other Tender Moments

When 3 out of a family of 4 gets the stomach flu, it's hard to tame my words. Much laundry has and will be done as a result of this barf-o-rama. "Someone's" booty is feeling better after all the peeing from the butt. Grossed out? You know you've been there before.
We're on the rebound and keeping our fingers crossed that Isaac won't start puking. So far so good.
As Maddie and I shared the couch this morning, she spit out not just bile, but also some words of tenderness. She tugged at my heartstrings, and now I'll let her tug at yours...
Our conversation about chicken pox lead us to the subject of Uncle Karl (because he was an adult when he caught them). We talked briefly about his accident. She said "I'm surprised that his mom let her other kids ride in cars after that. She should have made Bampa, Dale and Sandy ride their bikes to work so that a car accident wouldn't happen to them".
Later, still lying around and feeling poorly, she said "I bet that if we were at Grammie's house right now, I'd be on her lap. She always takes good care of me when I'm sick."
She misses you all (especially Paige this week), and so do the rest of us.
PS Speaking of missing each other: next time I'm on the phone during a family dinner, pretend to not like each other so much.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

How Many Buffalo Are in Your Temple?

So like many temples, when the B. temple was proposed, the surrounding community threw a fit. The bright lights in their backyard was just one of the complaints.

But also like many temples, now that it's complete the neighborhood is just fine with this big house of worship.
Back before it was dedicated, my friend walked through with her mom. Said mom had LDS friends who came from S.D. to walk through as well. My friend was admittedly disruptive and disrespectful when she took her 'tour'. She was uneasy about being 'sucked in'.
As she described the inside of the temple to me, I had to hold in the giggles. I kept my poker face as she REPEATEDLY talked about the big hot tub. She thought that the big hot tub was beautiful, the big hot tub was in ivory, the big hot tub was on the backs of the buffalo.
Though I did correct her and let her know that the big hot tub was on the back of oxen, I didn't tell her what it was for and that it wasn't a big hot tub. Maybe some other time, and maybe if she were more receptive.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

and so it begins

You wouldn't believe it if I told you. Or maybe you would. After all, it is Montana.

No friends, this isn't from last winter. I just took this picture less than an hour ago.

Somewhere under there are my mums.

They say that we will climb back up to the 60s by the weekend.

I'm just now ready to take on fall(let alone winter). But already Maddie and Isaac are wearing their fancy board jackets from the GAP that I scored for $13 each.

So now that the weather outside is frightful, and since inside it's so delightful, we have to bring the outside in:

Today she decided to add to her list of ruins (the box of my winter sweaters, the insulation from the basement, etc). I get to break the news to her out-of-town daddy that today she ripped the screen off of the sliding glass door and (as if that didn't satisfy the satan inside of her) then shredded it.

The question of the day: how long until spring?