How Many Buffalo Are in Your Temple?
So like many temples, when the B. temple was proposed, the surrounding community threw a fit. The bright lights in their backyard was just one of the complaints.
But also like many temples, now that it's complete the neighborhood is just fine with this big house of worship.
But also like many temples, now that it's complete the neighborhood is just fine with this big house of worship.
Back before it was dedicated, my friend walked through with her mom. Said mom had LDS friends who came from S.D. to walk through as well. My friend was admittedly disruptive and disrespectful when she took her 'tour'. She was
uneasy about being 'sucked in'.

As she described the inside of the temple to me, I had to hold in the giggles. I kept my poker face as she REPEATEDLY talked about the big hot tub. She thought that the big hot tub was beautiful, the big hot tub was in ivory, the big hot tub was on the backs of the buffalo.
Though I did correct her and let her know that the big hot tub was on the back of oxen, I didn't tell her what it was for and that it wasn't a big hot tub. Maybe some other time, and maybe if she were more receptive.
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