Thursday, October 19, 2006
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Funny Traveling Isaac #2
You know when someone starts talking about something awkward and you imagine yourself shrinking away from the conversation? That was me last night. Thank you Isaac.
After we left Sandy’s last night, me and Isaac and Maddie headed to our meeting spot to send off Erik with Andre and Davey.
We were almost there when Erik’s phone rang, and in just two notes I guessed that it was from Star Wars. The Imperial March.
We talked about how the D. boys, especially Erik, are such huge Star Wars fans.
That’s when Isaac started talking. And I started shrinking.
“Today when we stopped at Taco Bell and Erik was going to the bathroom (oh crap!) and he was pulling up his (oh crap!) pants
So it ended well, but the ‘up to’ freaked my freak. The Oh Craps were mine, and can you blame me for nearly panicking?
Funny Traveling Isaac #1
He read it out loud, and Bampa and I explained that writing on a street sign is illegal and there could be a fine if the culprit was caught.
“It must have been written by a kindergartner,” Isaac said “because there is no apostrophe.”
Dad and I quietly chuckled and I said “Isaac, do you really think that a kindergartner could reach that?”
“Nope. It must have been a first grader.”