Francis Scott Key's Other Lyrics
I may have already mentioned that Isaac recently learned The Star-Spangled Banner at school. He went around the house for two weeks singing it and was so impressed that his mom could play it on the piano.
So this morning, when we were getting ready for church I had one of those wish-I-had-a-hidden-camera moments. A hidden tape recorder would have done just fine. Isaac was kneeling at the side of my bed with two Lego characters. Putting this in writing will not do it justice, but I have to share!
He was playing pirates with these characters, and singing (not acting) the scene out to our National Anthem's melody.
Starting the tune at 'O're the ramparts we watched':
"The children were lost, and the captain was dead.
When they asked them for food, all they brought them was bread."
"The prisoners escaped, and they chopped off their hands..."
This went on for 10 minutes, and I tried to burn the whole song into my brain without success. This is all I could remember. This guy is a genius. I know it's not a reverent or patriotic rendition of The Star-Spangle Banner, but it was absolutely priceless.
I'm sorry...but that is just the most hilarious thing I've heard all day...LOL!
JP, at 11:25 AM
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