Where the Deer and the Antelope Play
It's a funny thing, getting used to our new digs. The further we get from California, the more I learn and eventually adapt to other communities. For example...
1.) My kids (2nd grade and kindergarten) don't go to the same school. Kindergarten isn't offered at the school closest to us due to over-crowding, so I have to drive Isaac another mile to his school.
2.) My kindergartener doesn't have the traditional half-day schedule we're accustomed to in California. He goes two full days and one half-day each week. Weird.
3.) Spring has come and gone back home in California. The blossoms were gorgeous and in full bloom in February. Here in Montana (HOWEVER), I have been advised to not plant anything until after Mother's Day, but even then we could have a freeze or a wet snow.
4.) Honorable mention (for JP): they have no sense of decorating here in MT.
5.) I have learned that I will eventually hit a deer. Everyone has. I'm going to throw a huge fit the first time I have to pay $500 deductible because I hit a deer.
6.) By the way: Montana DOES have a speed limit.
7.) Kids get their drivers licenses at 15 here. Let me now mention that I'm 2 blocks from the highschool. Sucks to be me.
There are some neat things about Montana, hopefully I have yet to discover most of them...
1.) Rumor has is that there is virtually no crime.
2.) Daily sightings of antelope. Sometimes one. Sometimes eight. At an intersection, in a courtyard, up the street, out in the field, or like yesterday, right in our front yard in the middle of the afternoon. I did feel very sorry for the one up the street on Monday; he couldn't figure out how to get out of our subdivision with all the construction and dumptrucks and tractors surrounding him and creating an abundance of noise.
3.) I hate to admit it, but I have met very friendly people. The staff at the school, people at church, even neighbors. Let's pray that continues.
That's us far as this list goes. The weird outweighs the neat. I hope this drastically changes in the coming months.
I'm feeling bad for the Antelope.
And weird that you used to LIVE in Antelope and now you LIVE where Antelope are in abundance.
JP, at 11:27 AM
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