Billings. Where the deer and the antelope play, but the smell of the refinery kills them dead in their tracks.
Billings. No two intersections/traffic lights are the same.
Billings. Don't get lost on the wrong side of the tracks.
Billings. The smell of chucks added to downtown for your pleasure.
Billings. Leave your appetite for Chevy's behind.
Billings. A Taco John's on every corner.
Billings. Where 1st Ave. intersects with 1st Ave.
Billings. Where the tacky go to get tackier.
Billings. Without WalMart there would be no night life.
Billings. Bring your Round Table pizza with you.
Billings. No two intersections/traffic lights are the same.
Billings. Don't get lost on the wrong side of the tracks.
Billings. The smell of chucks added to downtown for your pleasure.
Billings. Leave your appetite for Chevy's behind.
Billings. A Taco John's on every corner.
Billings. Where 1st Ave. intersects with 1st Ave.
Billings. Where the tacky go to get tackier.
Billings. Without WalMart there would be no night life.
Billings. Bring your Round Table pizza with you.
Billings. Where...a very close-knit family that is part of close-knit families happens to reside.
Billings. Where...a pretty, new, yellow home sits.
Billings. Where...a new family opportunity and adventure are born.
JK1, at 10:32 AM
Jess' House...where you can lie on the couch and watch the sunrise.
Thanks for sugar-coating things, dad.
Jess, at 12:41 PM
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