As I was pondering recent family events, Isaac was telling me that his new Happy-Meal-Transformer could fly us to California and land at Grammie's sidewalk (apparently he never noticed that she is challenged in that area). We talked about how much we wished we could go.
My mind wandered a bit more (hard to believe, I know), still mulling over so many changes; not just David and me heading east, but mom and dad's employment status' (maybe I should have said stati), my own employment needs, Jordan's missionary goals, Paige's ears, Corbin's birthday, etc.
I thought to myself, this is just too much change for us all, too much change in such a short time. But then a voice firmly corrected my thoughts, and let me know that this is our opportunity for growth. Though I am very resistant to these changes and trials, this voice...this quick moment let me know that we all need and will benefit from this growth.
PS Isaac was so impressed and surprised to hear that Jaye played with Transformers. I think his reply was something like "A girl played with Transformers?!".
I love that I am now going to refer to Mom (and Dad) as Sidewalk Challenged. Too good to pass up.
There are a lot of changes. And I must comment on my own change of growing a spine. I feel like Harry Potter when he had to "regrow" the bones in his arm. Kinda painful...but very necessary, don't you think? (You know them arm bones!)
JP, at 8:12 AM
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