David & Jess' Questions:
Oreos without milk vs. brownies without milk?
16 Candles vs. Breakfast Club?
Giants vs. A's?
Finger in your eye vs. needle in your eye?
Standing behind the flatulant guy in line at the bank vs. sitting next to the flatulant guy at the movies?
Flipflops or Birkenstocks?
(David's on a roll, it's almost 2am. We stayed up too late playing spades with the visitors.)
WalMart vs. Target?
Chevy's vs. Chili's?
Telemarket-ers vs. petition signature requestors?
16 Candles vs. Breakfast Club?
Giants vs. A's?
Finger in your eye vs. needle in your eye?
Standing behind the flatulant guy in line at the bank vs. sitting next to the flatulant guy at the movies?
Flipflops or Birkenstocks?
(David's on a roll, it's almost 2am. We stayed up too late playing spades with the visitors.)
WalMart vs. Target?
Chevy's vs. Chili's?
Telemarket-ers vs. petition signature requestors?
oreos, breakfast club, giants, finger, bank, birkenstocks, chilis, and telemarketors. (<- I always say 'my mom isn't home right now.' - you can't do that with a petition person.)
Jaye, at 5:37 PM
brownies, breakfast club, who cares, finger, bank, birks, chevy's, telemarketers
brownies, who cares, Giants, finger, bank, birks, chevys, telemarketers
JK1, at 10:31 PM
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