JKx7 And More

Monday, November 28, 2005

You Won't See This in California

This morning I had one of those experiences that made me feel like “now I’ve seen it all”.

I was half-heartedly watching the news when a commercial caught my eye, and not because of the product being solicited. It must have been an ad for a local silversmith (or something of the likes); they were showing belt buckles and maybe even jewelry.

A cowboy was shown herding cattle and it was then that I noticed that one of the cows in the upper-right of my TV screen was getting busy with one of the other cows.

You cannot tell me that the editors didn’t notice this. Look at what kind of crap they pull (and get away with) in Montana.

What else can I expect from a state that puts on a Testicle Festival in the spring?


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