JKx7 And More

Monday, July 31, 2006

Dad's letter to Elder K July 31, 2006


Elder Kaupanger,

Houston gave his “welcome home” talk yesterday. Among that which he had to say is that he had some hard things to do—some people didn’t like missionaries at all, some of his companions were difficult, etc. But he said he wouldn’t trade any of those experiences because of what he learned from them. (He said he wouldn’t necessarily want to do them again, but he was glad to have learned from them once.)

As you go through the MTC you may come to a point where you say to yourself that it seems a lot like sales and marketing…that you’re “selling” the Church. Some people have a problem with that. Well, one thing to remember: Satan does not have any problem marketing and selling what he wants us to do. He can make bad activities look fun or pretty or glamorous or exciting or whatever—he markets really well. As we as members share the Gospel with those who would listen, while following the Spirit we need to make sure we use whatever method of communication works for the individual we are sharing with.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you about your experiences, the people you have met, England, the MTC, etc, etc, etc.

MUCH Love,



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