There are certain topics that should not be sent to or from company email systems. There are no privacy protections on company email systems. All email on company email systems (sent or received) belong to the company.
The N. O. mayor quote is one of those topics. As racist as his remarks were, it is private citizens--especially as employees--that could pay the price. I believe the quote you found is VERY appropriate and quite good and quite funny, but not on company email. I recommend deleting it from your in-box and out-box.
And who knows, maybe a Montana company owner might applaud the quote (privately), but a California non-profit company might not think it was so funny.
I'm really, really, REALLY sorry to nag or lecture, but people have been fired for less. If, for example, someone saw the email and complained, the company would have to do something, or it could be sued for condoning the atmosphere.
What's your home email address? Or maybe use the blog.
The N. O. mayor quote is one of those topics. As racist as his remarks were, it is private citizens--especially as employees--that could pay the price. I believe the quote you found is VERY appropriate and quite good and quite funny, but not on company email. I recommend deleting it from your in-box and out-box.
And who knows, maybe a Montana company owner might applaud the quote (privately), but a California non-profit company might not think it was so funny.
I'm really, really, REALLY sorry to nag or lecture, but people have been fired for less. If, for example, someone saw the email and complained, the company would have to do something, or it could be sued for condoning the atmosphere.
What's your home email address? Or maybe use the blog.
i am so lost! um, what?!?!?
Jaye, at 10:03 PM
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